The Hindus Wedding Ceremony in Bali Katakamusaku! Edition

The Hindus Wedding Ceremony in Bali 

The Hindus Wedding Ceremony in Bali

          Knowledge about tradition, custom, and cultures is really important insight that we have to know and strongly understand. Each of us have to aware our own culture and tradition and have to aware too with another society’s culture. It is really important in order to make a good relationship among each other which has different cultures and also traditions. Talking about cultures and traditions, Bali is a gorgeous Island which has a thousand arts, cultures and traditions. One of them, will we lift up on this edition of my Blog is traditional wedding ceremony for Hindus people in Bali,
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Visitors, wedding ceremony is a ceremony which has goals to unite among two different families. The meaning of wedding in the entire of world is seem and general, but the process and also the offerings will different each cultures and tradition. It will suit with the environment and the behavior also the faith of the societies around. Now, we would talk about wedding ceremony in Bali. The knowledge about Hindus wedding ceremony is available on Catur Asrama precept. Catur Asrama is come from two words that are Catur and Asrama. The meaning of Catur is Four (4) while the meaning of Asrama is a proccess of live or level of live. So, Catur Asrama is four levels of Hindush’s people live. Catur Asrama precept is consisting of:
1)      Brahmacari
Brhamacari is the first level of Hindush’s people live that the human being has to increase their knowledge in order to get the goal of live that is Moksa (The Lasting Happiness).
2)      Grehasta
Grehasta is the second level of Hindus people lives that the human being have to make their own family to increase the level of live and to make a better generation than before.
3)      Wanaprahasta
Wanaprahasta is the third level of Hindus people live that the human being start to released the engagements to the world (entertainment and so on)
4)      Bhiksuka/Sanyasin
While the last level of Hindus people lives is Bhiksuka or Sanyasin. Bhiksuka or Sanyasin is a level of live that the human being has to focus on what the goals of live substantively. This level can through by meditation in the Jungle or another place. By remembering God every time and anywhere, praying a lot, love and affection and of course decrease the six bad habits In Hindu that is Sad Ripu.
Well Visitors, so from the fourth level above the wedding ceremony is a part of Grahasta. It is because, when a couple decide to married it is mean they will released their first level of live that is Brahmacari and start to be a part of Grahasta live. For making the wedding ceremony for Hindus in Bali being a legal wedding, we have to represent at least three witnesses. Those three witness that we called by name Tri Upasaksi (Three Witness) are :
1.      Dewa Saksi
Dewa Saksi means that the wedding has to represent by the God (Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa).
2.      Manusa Saksi
Manusa Saksi means that the wedding has to represent by another humans or people. It might be the village chief or the both families of the couple.
3.      Bhuta Saksi
And the last witnes is Bhuta Saksi. Its mean that the wedding has to represent by another creature which has the underneath level than the human being. We can say it seems like devil and something like that.

Based on the Manusmrti theory said that wedding (wiwaha) has a religious characteristic and obligation. It is because the couple who already married have to bear a kind child ( Suputra) to eliminate his/her parent’s sin. The affliction that obtained by the ancestors can be decreased if the parent can bear a kind child. So the goal of wedding of Hindus in Bali is to bear a kind child to decrease their ancestor’s sins.
Visitors, in Bali we believe that the wedding ceremony is classified in to several of wedding’s system. We can see it from Manawa Dharmasatra theory, that said “Brahma dai vasvat hai varsah,pntpaja vasiatha surah,gandharwo raksasa caiva, paisacasca astamo dharmah”  In Indonesia : “Adapun sistem perkawinan itu adalah Brahma Wiwaha,Daiwa Wiwaha,Gandarwa Wiwaha,Raksasa Wiwaha, dan Paisaca Wiwaha “ In English : “There are some wedding system, those are Brahma Wedding,Daiwa Wedding,Gandarwa Wedding,Raksasa Wedding, and Paisaca Wedding “.  While the type of wedding in Bali is classified in to:
1.      Brahma Wiwaha
2.      Daiwa Wiwaha
3.      Arsa Wiwaha
4.      Prajapati Wiwaha
5.      Asura Wiwaha
6.      Gandharwa Wiwaha
7.      Raksasa Wiwaha
8.      Paicasa Wiwaha

The Balinese traditions also has another system of Balinese wedding, those are:

1.      Memadik/Meminang System
The bridegroom with his families will come to the bride house to propose her and usually both of them is already know each other and already make an agreement to make a family.
2.      Ngrorod/Rangkat System
The wedding based on love and affection’s feeling each other. This system is usually called by the name “Kawin Lari”.
3.      Nyentana/Nyeburin System
Usually in every wedding ceremony, the bride will follow the bridegroom to his house. But in this case, the bridegroom will follow the bride and stay at the bride house.
4.      Mlegandang System
A force wedding without love and affection’s feeling same with Raksasa Wiwaha and Paisaca Wiwaha in Manawa Dharmasastra theory.

The wedding ceremony is not an ordinary ceremony, but it is about how to unite two different families and doing Yadnya. And the systems of wedding in Bali are really unique so let’s keep our traditions so our child and grandchild will feel it too.
Well Visitors that is a little bit information about the wedding ceremony for Hindus in Bali. I hope it will be useful for you and increase your insight about Bali. I believe that my article entitle “The Hindus Wedding Ceremony in Bali “is still incomplete and need your critics to make another article of my Blog being better. Thank you so much for spend your time to read my article. Have a good day. See you on another topic! Stay tuned!

Author: Alit Widiana @alitwidiana18.untln
Translating and Editing: Alit Widiana

Don’t forget to stay tuned on: https://alitwidiana.blogspot.co.id

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