Early Married? Is it Good or Not?

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Early Married? Is it Good?

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Hi hi hi..
Welcome to Learn English Easier-English For Tourism.
Now,I would like to share an article about Early Married. So,this is actually all of my team argument when we was joined LKS competition on 2016.
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Topic : Early Married for young couple
We’re totally disagreed about that topic, because there are some worst impact if the young couple ( youth ) is early married. So now we would like to explain to you  our  argumentation based on the topic and also our explanation about the aspect.
Definition :
            What is the definition of  early married for young couple? Nowadays there so many young generations who wrong to choose their style living. That style living, such as drugs, free sex, alcoholic, and so on. Those life style is has a worst impact for the young generations. For example, their future will be fade, their school is finish, the relationship with their parent is bad, and more than that. One of the youth problem in Indonesia is early married. Early married is one of the impact of the bad life style of our young generations. Early married has definitions that is one of the married process who is done by the young couple ( usually under 20 years old ).This married caused by the young couple, especially the girls is pregnant out of the formal married. If the whole  young generations married when they still in teenager, there are lot of worst impact from that. For example , the first thing is their future is totally  broken. Also has impact of their education thing, has bad impact with their economy thing, because they not work yet. If they do not have a job, automatically they do not have an income. If they do not have an income, they can not live. It is a simple thing to think, but why do the young generations still get married earlier. So that is our big   problem right now. Can imagine that our beloved country do not has young generations again ? Can imagine that our country is full of the young couple who done  married ? Who will lead this  nations ? Who will be a leader for our state if the young generations  is already married. It is only increase the society problem of our country. It will make the progress of our country is bad. And also, it will make the population will be improve. Well, the early married for the young couple is has worst impact for the young generations.
            From the background above we  can see it in different aspect, they are:
1.      Social Aspect
2.      Economy Aspect
In each aspect is has their own impact. So our argumentation about those aspect are:
                          1.      Social Aspect
                 The early married is commonly happen to the students, especially the student at  Senior  High School or Vocational School. If they married and they  are still be a students. They have to finish their study process. This thing is sure will destroy and disturb their future because so much lesson which they leaved. It is mean , they do not get the lesson which is very important for their live. For example, to find a job. If they do not have a skill or a lesson, automatically they will not get a job. If they do not have a job, they will not have an income.  If they not have an income, they got difficult thing. Such as, to buy   some milk ,  to buy  some ricers ,to buy daily needs and so on.
Our government is already has a program, especially the program for reduce the young generations to married early. That program is PIK-R (Pusat Informasi Konseling Remaja ) Or in English is The Centre Information of Counseling for Young Generation. PIK-R is one of the formal organization which available in every school, include our school Vocational School Number 1 Amlapura. In PIK-R , the members will learn more about life skill, learn about how to avoid bad thing, learn more about youth disease, and also learn about how to avoid early married for young generation. So do not think if our government don’t care  about this problem. Not only with join PIK-R for the students, we also have to aware to this problem. For example, as the parent we have to told and advice to our children not only once, but everyday every time every second we have to told them that early married is has worst impact for them.Make sure that they know more about the bad impact first. Make sure that they will do not do that. Take care with them. Because they are ( Indonesian young generation ) our hope. Dont let them to married early. Lets save our generations for our better future.

       2.      Economy aspect
Based on my friend’s explanation at the first speaker, i’m totally disagree to the moshi. I would like to support the first speaker. We can see in economy aspect.
When the young generation get married earlier, they don’t have good income. What must they do? They don’t have a good job because they don’t have any skill. How do they get daily needs? It’s no problem if their parents are rich, but if their parents are poor, how do they do it? It’s not only difficult to get daily needs, but it’s also difficult to get money for their wedding party. They maybe think that get married doesn’t need a lot of money because they have good life, their parents are rich but it will be different when they have got married, they will feel how difficult to be parent. They have a great responsibility. Besides that, when they have a baby, they need many things for their children. They have to think about their children in the future.
So, early married for young couple isn’t really good. It has bad impacts for us even for our baby in the future.
Can you imagine how our life is,  when we have got married and we don’t have good job, we don’t get stable income and we have a lot of problems.
Let’s think before we doing something, we have to think what the results are. Is it good for us or no? You have to make a good plan first.  Social aspect We can see the impact for early married for young couple in social aspect. Young generation will be ashamed of the people who live in their environment. They get discrimination. They won’t do communication each other. So, nobody knows how their life is. the people will talk each other about them. The people maybe think bad things about them. It also has bad impact for their children in the future. The people have knew how their parents before, so their children also get discrimination. Nobody wants to be their friends.  You can imagine how your life is if your parents have got married early, and you are their children. Many people will talk about your parents. How your parents were and you will get shy. Will you? Of course no. So you have to think  before doing. 

Dont forget to leave a comment. Your advice is useful.
Keep Learning!                                                                                   

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